Mortality in Russian literature

Dudareva, M.A., Mortality in Russian literature. Pushkin, Yesenin, Balmont, Bunin / M.A. Dudareva. — Berlin : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017. — 56 p. — ISBN 978-620-2-01066-5

In this monograph, we have attempted to represent the genesis of mortality images in poems by A.S. Pushkin, S.A. Yesenin, K.D. Balmont and I.A. Bunin. The analysis included the most popular and known works by these authors. The folklore-based comments enabled unveiling the complexity, diversity of mortality images, which embrace the idea of death as the cosmic rebirth in a new quality that is very close to the folklife culture. The figures of “Thanatos” are in the same paradigm with figures of “Eros”, which allows talking about the motive of death that is cosmic rebirth, ascension.

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